30 Wasaya Istibsaar:
During 30 days of Shehrullah everyday a collage chart was prepared with a Wasiyat taken from 30 Wasaya of Amirul Mumeneen AS mentioned in Ashara waaz 1441H.The Kalemaat Nuraniyah which explained the Wasiyat were highlighted in the chart and accordingly a Istibsaar (reflection) was derived from perspective of a student which highlighted the USPs of MSB's Systems and Curriculum. Along with this chart a voice note explaining the chart was posted daily in all class groups of MSB Kuwait. A weekly questionaire was prepared on google form and was sent in all groups which was answered and responded by approx 350 students/parents for 4 weeks of Shehrullah. All children were able to recall all wasiyat of Aqa Moula TUS and were happy to implement it practically in their school life of MSB.